Thursday, December 4, 2008

Moving and family updates!

Life has been sooo busy lately! We've sent in all the paperwork needed for our home as of the beginning of this week and are just waiting for the final OK. We are hoping that we can close on Friday and start moving in. I really should be packing right now but needed a break :).
I was starting to worry a little about Josh not walking yet, especially since Evan was walking at like 11 months but he finally started walking on his own the night before Thanksgiving! He had been walking all over the apartment for quite a while with this ride-on toy and toy stroller we have. He was so proud of himself, It was soo fun to watch him! We were at my moms house when he did it so we got it recorded on their nice new camera, I will try and post a clip of it soon! Anyway he is walking everywhere now and is doing so well.
Evan gave himself his first black eye. He was standing near the table and started to throw a tantrum and he threw his head forward and hit the table. I thought that he had just bumped his forehead and not very hard so I was like well that's what you get for throwing a tantrum, maybe next time you won't do that! anyway he kept crying so i picked him up and he had this HUGE goose bump right next to his eye. Oh, I felt sooo bad and like such a mean mom for not being sympathetic at first! The swelling has gone away and it is now just a lovely bluish purple color. Evan got a thing with mine right now and says it to everyone. If we are at the store and someone glances at him he yell something like "No, my cart!" or "No, my mom!". It's starting to get pretty annoying and embarrassing! Any advice on getting him to stop this? other than that Evan is doing well and is excited to move to the new house. Although I'm not entirely sure he understands what that entails.
Lars and I are doing well. It was so nice to have a night away last weekend! I think it really refreshed us both. I have basically all the Christmas stuff bought. I'm excited to decorate and not have to worry about what i still need to buy! Speaking of decorating I've stumbled onto some cool decorating blogs and I'm really excited to start decorating our house. I'll link them to my blog when I figure out how to do it. I'm bummed about not having the Internet but we just won't be able to afford it for a little while with Lars hours getting cut. I think it will be good for me though because I waste to much time on the computer, it's like an addiction for me! Maybe I'll be able to focus more on decorating and music. I'm starting to really miss being more involved in music. I would be sooo excited to find a good deal on a piano!
Lars is taking three classes this semester on top of working full time and he is so ready to be done. he's always so worn out by the end of the week. I've been so impressed with his paintings from his painting class. I'll try to post pics. sometime. I wasn't really thrilled about the last one(a woman in a bikini laying on a table) but actually liked it to when I saw it. Although I have jokingly told him that he can't go to a University after this because of the nude drawing or painting classes! I know there's nothing to it but it sure is hard to not feel a little jealous about him looking at other girls. By the way i wouldn't really stop him from continuing his education, I just might be a tad grumpy when he took those classes! He's enjoying his ceramics class a lot. He's also excited about doing the landscaping at our house this spring.
Well hopefully my next post will have Pics of our new home! I better get back to packing.
P.S. please excuse the typos, I'm in a hurry to get back to packing :)